The Ten Commandments of Leadership

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There is no single “best” leadership style, but there is a common set of qualities the best leaders share many of if not all.

This week I distill what I think are the most essential qualities for a leader to possess. Not every leader has all these qualities, but the great ones recognize which quality to lean on at the right moment.

Let’s jump in.

  • 📝 Article: My Leadership Journey

  • 💡 Tip: The Ten Commandments of Leadership

  • 💬 Leadership Quote: Simon Sinek

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📝 My Leadership Journey

As cliché as it sounds, leadership is a journey, not a destination. How we look as leaders today probably looks vastly different than when we started.

When I first started out as a young leader, I, like many others, got caught up in vanity metrics. How many people were under me? How big was my budget? I was ambitious and driven by money and title.

As I matured and gained leadership experience, those types of metrics became less important. I became more focused on how effective I was:

  • Are my teams producing?

  • Are my projects on time and under budget?

  • Am I the person they reach out to get important things done?

Today I still care about being effective, but my views have broadened. I’ve become more people focused.

  • Are my people happy?

  • Are they engaged?

  • Do they feel supported?

  • Do they feel safe to try and fail?

Most efficiency metrics I have realized are actually lagging indicators of team health.

While efficiency metrics are important, they are only a snapshot of a team's performance at a given moment in time.

In contrast, focusing on team health allows leaders to take a more proactive approach to leadership, identifying and addressing potential issues before they impact team performance.

By prioritizing the well-being of our teams, we can create a more positive and productive work environment, leading to better outcomes in the long run.

So what are the best qualities for a leader to embody?

💡 The Ten Commandments of Leadership

Here are my "Ten Commandments of Leadership":

  1. Lead with Integrity: Your character sets the tone for the entire organization. Choose honesty, fairness, and ethics as your guideposts.

  2. Inspire Others: Share a clear, compelling, and positive vision for the future. Motivate others to work towards it with passion and dedication.

  3. Serve Others: Leadership is about serving, not being served. Support and empower others, following the model of servant leadership.

  4. Empower Others to Lead: Don't just create followers, create more leaders. Develop and nurture the talents and abilities of those you lead.

  5. Foster Collaboration: Encourage cooperation and create a culture where everyone feels valued and heard. A united team is a powerful force.

  6. Communicate Clearly: Good leadership is grounded in clear, open, and honest communication. Share information freely, listen attentively, and encourage dialogue.

  7. Embrace Change and Uncertainty: Be flexible and adaptable. View change as an opportunity for growth, not a threat.

  8. Demonstrate Courage: Have the courage to make difficult decisions, take risks, and stand up for what is right, even when it is not popular.

  9. Be Accountable: Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your team. Acknowledge mistakes and learn from them, don't shift blame.

  10. Practice Empathy and Compassion: Understand the feelings and perspectives of others. Promote a culture of kindness, patience, and understanding.

At different times we may need to lean more heavily on certain qualities, but all are important additions to our leadership toolbox. Great leaders know when to use each one.

💬 Quote

Simon Sinek

Leadership is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge.

- Simon Sinek

Until next time, lead with passion and purpose.

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